• Adres : Johan Aaronstraat 6, Paramaribo
  • Tel : +597 - 426522

Subsidairy of Prosco N.V.
Residential & modern construction


Offices, hospitals, shopping malls hotels, airport, etc ..
Industrial Buildings, Factories, gas spheres, Storage

fp1Steel is the material for modern construction projects, given the quick and practical benefits that steel entails. (large spans, prefabrication etc.) However, steel -besides its many advantages also has disadvantages. An unprotected steel construction will in case of fire, in a short time reach a temperature at which the function of the supporting structure is lost and can lead to a collapse. To prevent this, a “safe critical temperature”, is drawn up in which columns and beams retain their load-bearing function. In any industrial business, an unprotected construction, can be a serious and deadly disaster in a fire. Explosions and collapses in hydrocarbon fires create unmanageable situations. With coverings of special fireproofing sheet material, coating systems or spray plasters -all of which are non-combustible, structures can be protected. Prosco Industrial uses only certified material with test reports and data sheets. We even have fireproof solutions for wood with written test reports of 66 minutes proven fire delay.



Fireproof penetrationsfp2

Prosco Industrial NV has specialized staff for fire sealing of cables and ducts. The system consists of mineral wool and a fireproof paint with endothermic effect. For PVC pipes a special fire resistant wrap is installed to prevent fire to enter the next room. In case of fire, the PVC tube is squeezed by the strong heat at foaming action. Fireproof ducts are fitted with a company sticker for recognition.




Een onderneming die activiteiten in vastgoed, woningbouw, utiliteit en infra combineert in de werkgebieden wonen, werken en verbinden. Wij zijn actief in heel Suriname en leveren als civiele bouw partner kennis en concepten in verschillende markten. Door te sturen op voortdurende kwaliteitsverbetering, innovatie en integraliteit realiseren we toegevoegde waarde voor onze klanten. PROSCO NV realiseert projecten voor woonconsumenten, bedrijven en de overheid.